Cappy’s Corner

An entertaining blog to help you stay in touch with of our fearless leader. You will have a front row seat to the life and times of Cappy as you bear witness to his life of “no coincidences”. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes funny, but always inspirational, you won’t want to miss a single post!

Congrats to our DU Dawgs!

April 20, 2024
A HUGE congrats to Shai, Sean and Massimo! All three just lifted the NCAA championship trophy, all three just signed with NHL teams, all three play for the Top Dawgs, and all three are amazing young men with big hearts! I am honored and blessed to personally know each one of these Pioneer stars and can’t wait to see their next chapters. We have all seen their incredible work on the ice, but I’v…

DAWG Magic in Humboldt

April 14, 2024
Our strong connection with the Humboldt Broncos is undeniable, and tonight the Broncos’ Rory McGouran took that connection to another level! Rory has been the team’s play-by-play announcer since 2018 and has even had me as an intermission guest a couple of times. The Broncos are in the semifinals of the SJHL playoffs and had their backs against the wall this weekend facing elimination on back t…

Pios Bring Home the Prize

April 13, 2024
Wow, just wow. Today was absolutely perfect! I honestly pinch myself sometimes when I step back and reflect on the incredible moments that I’m blessed to be part of. My first ever national championship game will be one I’ll never forget as the DU Pioneers won a record tenth title!! The game was amazing, but sitting shoulder to shoulder with Ethan Glynn made it beyond my wildest dreams! Here’…

Meeting a Hockey Hero

March 26, 2024
I’ve been a sports fan my entire life and my very first sports heroes wore the orange, white and black of the Denver Spurs. One of my most vivid childhood memories was when my dad took me to my first Spurs game in 1973. I still remember the opponent, the score, the smell of the arena, the obnoxious lady behind me, and mostly how magical that night was. Well last week I was blessed to meet one o…

Let’s Go Broncos!

March 22, 2024
It’s a big day for Humboldt as the Broncos kick off their quest for the Cup! As most of you know, the Broncos are kind of near and dear to my heart so I of course repped the boys at today’s morning Hockey Heals skate. This year’s playoff theme is “OUR TEAM, OUR TOWN” and I wore the same shirt the squad will be wearing. And check out the back, the boys will be reppin’ us right back. Now let’s go…

Bringing the Love to Alberta!

March 17, 2024
Wow, what an incredible trip to Edmonton! So many highlights but for me helping another beautiful family takes the cake! Mike and Leah Stelter lost their incredible little Benny to brain cancer in 2022 and now Mike is battling sarcoma (bone cancer). Despite all those challenges, this amazing couple inspires those around them by taking on every day with determination and positivity. Yesterday I …

Hockey is for EVERYONE!

March 3, 2024
Took a little break from the tax desk tonight to share the ice with the Colorado Golden Eagles, a group of special needs kids and adults that that were born with varying degrees of cognitive challenges. The smiles were in abundance as Brett, Ethan, Tanner, Eli, Sean, and others showed us all what playing for the joy of the game looks like! Special thanks to Rei Martinez for the invite and Mike …

Jack is in the House!

February 28, 2024
My favorite part of the Avs games is running into families that have touched my life. Last night I heard my name and turned to see a “not so little” Jack Rodell. I met Jack in 2019 shortly after the Rodell family was hit with the devastating news that their little fella was diagnosed with leukemia. Over the years we (Jack and I) have taken a pic when we run into each other and last night was…

DREP in Canada!

February 27, 2024
Pretty cool article from our trip to the Great White North! Life on the other side of tragedy: DREP visits Humboldt

Humboldt Embrace

February 25, 2024
Wrapping up a whirlwind trip to the great white north! There were cheers, there were tears and there were incredible memories made. Nearly six years ago, a chain of “no coincidences” began a deep connection to the amazing Humboldt community. That community has embraced me way beyond my wildest dreams and given me way more than I have given them. Each trip to Humboldt is emotional, but also uniq…

Go Spurs!

February 14, 2024
Just when I thought it was over, I got one of the coolest birthday gifts ever! My dear friend, Dave Carr surprised me this morning with this epic Denver Spurs jersey! Honestly already my all-time favorite hockey sweater!! My very first live hockey game was the Denver Spurs vs the Salt Lake City Golden Eagles in 1973. I was absolutely obsessed with the Spurs and would listen to all their game…

One Lucky Guy!

February 13, 2024
“Thank you” doesn’t seem quite enough as I felt more love over the last week than one guy deserves! Surprise party, emotional speeches, tons of cards, a benefit skate, donations to Dawg Nation, endless phone calls, a trip to Florida, rink side seats for the Avs, precious time with dear friends, literally hundreds of well wishes, an amazing custom book with heartfelt notes, driveway plowed wh…
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