It’s a big day for my little buddy and he could use your prayers, good vibes, and positive energy. Facing his sixth, and most challenging surgery to date, Cooper “Coop” Tippett is nervous, a little scared, but completely trusting of the incredible medical team that will conduct the complicated procedure in Delaware this morning. Due to Morquio Syndrome (also known as MPS) Coop faces daily challenges affecting his spine, organs and physical abilities. Despite that, my little buddy takes on every day with an amazing “can do” attitude. Coop is tough, Coop is determined, Coop is smart, Coop is ready, but Coop is also just a boy facing one of the biggest tests of his life. I’m nervous and scared too, but I have also witnessed first hand what the power of love is capable of. Cooper has an unbelievable family and remarkable friends that all love him dearly, and he will need all of that strength to pull him through today’s surgery and the impending 6-8 month recovery. You’ve got this Coop, and remember, your pack of Dawgs is behind you every step of the way!