No Coincidences

Unbelievable stories that are 100% true written by Marty Richardson. Read some of the most incredible, heartwarming, and inspiring stories of Dawg Nation.

Coop/Evan – No Coincidences

August 13, 2022
It’s been a while since I posted a Cooper “Coop” Tippett update, and even longer since I’ve done a “no coincidences” post. So how about a two for one?! First off, Coop is progressing really well and is continuing on his road to recovery! His activity is still limited, but he’s walking and getting stronger every day. All great news! Now the no coincidences part. I played a little golf today wi…

How in the World Did This Happen!

June 19, 2022
Sometimes I just have to pinch myself and and say, “how in the world did this happen?”. Taking in game two of the Stanley Cup Finals with my honey was amazing, but hosting the guy that literally co-founded Apple is beyond fathomable. It’s truly unbelievable how many “no coincidences” had to happen for this ordinary guy to be rooting for my favorite team and spending the evening with one of the…

How in the World Did This Happen!

June 16, 2022
A pregame brew and pizza turned into yet another “no coincidences” moment! I wasn’t planning on going to game 1 until a call from NHL legend Pat Lafontaine on Monday. Pat knew tickets were a super hot commodity, but reached out on a prayer and the off chance that I might be able to pull off a little “Cappy” magic and take his nephew (Kieran) to the game. Well thanks to the kind hearted Josh Sut…
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