[From client: This is the St. Louis location. We are the HQ in Littleton. They are living the same mission in St. Louis under the DAWG umbrella. They are our first ‘expansion’ of the non-profit]
[From client: This is the St. Louis location. We are the HQ in Littleton. They are living the same mission in St. Louis under the DAWG umbrella. They are our first ‘expansion’ of the non-profit]
[waiting on more info from client]
The DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for people with and without disabilities to gain confidence and independence through participation in national and international amateur ice hockey events, as well as to supporting local, national, and international amateur ice hockey players and their families during times of crisis. Since its inception DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation has been able to give out millions of dollars to positively impact the lives of many families in need. Do you part to assist the hockey community by volunteering, donating, or sponsoring one of our events or individuals.