Michael Stewart embodies everything I love about recreational adult hockey. Always the first to welcome in players, friends to many and always a positive force on the ice for his team as well as opponents.
This past fall, Michael was in a severe car crash that resulted in several serious injuries and will likely put and end to his recreational hockey career. The crash shattered his hip and he has a traumatic brain injury. He has undergone three surgeries so far. The damage to his hip is too severe to repair. He has nerve damage from bone fragments that may keep him from walking again. The surgeon had to cut the ball off of the hip joint leaving Mike without an actual hip joint currently.
The hospital sent a letter to Mike that the first surgery alone exceeded $137,000 and Mike faces substantial additional medical costs. At this time, he does not know how much the State will assist with and what he will have to pay. He is unable to work and does not qualify for social security disability insurance as they are currently unsure if he’ll be unable to work for a minimum of a year.
Please consider helping Michael with these medical costs.
Click the button to contribute directly through Paypal.
DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation
PO Box 182
Indian Hills, CO 80454