Giving Back to Mary Yamamoto


The Berntsen’s are another incredible family who have made such an impact within their community. Mary has been part of Soda Creek for numerous years, helping guide the Yampa Valley youth through elementary school. Lars and James were both graduates from the Yampa Valley school system. And then there is Scott. Scott lost his battle with Brain Cancer just over a year and a half ago. It was a quick onset, and the battle was short. He was a quieter contributor to the Valley, but his quick wit and good-hearted nature lent itself to impacting so many lives, even if it was in a brief conversation. This is another family who sums up the values of Dawg Nation in the way they go about living their lives. 

An absolutely incredible weekend in Steamboat Springs that included a happy hour, a little golf, great hockey, and of course, GIVING BACK! Friday night saw a very surprised Mary Yamamoto accept a $10k check as she continues to navigate life without her soulmate. 
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