Marcus Christian


Letter from Marcus’s Mother-in Law- Mandy Jones

Good Morning,

I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude to this amazing foundation. My new son-in-law, Marcus Christian married my daughter on August 19, 2017.  Marcus and my daughter Heather have a 5 year old daughter and are expecting another child in March, 2018.  Eight days after the wedding he was riding his motorcycle up the canyon where a white water rafting bus pulled in front of him and he collided with the bus.  His injuries were life threatening and he was air lifted on flight for life to MCR in Loveland, CO.

Grace of God

Marcus’ injuries consisted of:  3 skull fractures, 3 brain bleeds, a fracture in his neck, broken clavicle, numerous broken ribs, 3 internal bleeds (1 major), shattered pelvis and broken femur, torn rotator cuff and ligaments in his right shoulder, collapsed lung and fracture in his face.  Given all the traumatic injuries the chances of survival were minimal.  Marcus was put into a medically induced coma and on a breathing tube.  By nothing less than the grace of God he has survived and a week after the accident they were able to bring him up out of the medically induced coma.  Marcus is now home and his new wife is his 24/7 caregiver.  Marcus has about a year of recovery ahead of him.  Marcus was very active prior to the accident and played hockey with some amazing guys.  The team made some significant donations and one, Justin Van Horn, set the wheels in motion that Dawn Nation Hockey Foundation would match $ 3.00 to every $1.00 donated capped at $2500.00.

So.. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The foundation presented Marcus, Heather and Jaylee with a check for $10k last night (a raffle and silent auction will also produce additional funds for the kids) at their opening night game.   We are humbled.  This foundation has done so much for this beautiful family.  I struggle to find the adequate words to express the emotions I find myself with.  So.. thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Once my family is healed and back on their feet, I have found a new foundation that I will make regular donations too and help give back to help the next family.

Thank you!

Mandy Jones

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