Jessica Dempster


Now on the road to recovery, Jessica and her family were hit hard with medical costs and missed work. Reliance on oxygen has limited Jessica’s mobility and increased the need for a portable oxygen concentrator, something that is simply not in the budget……until now!! On Saturday, October 14th, Dawg Nation teamed with Hockey Unlimited to provide Jessica with a surprise check for $6,000. A tearful Jessica uttered, “now we know where our next rent payment will come from!”. Please join us in wishing Jessica the very best in her recovery as regains her footing.

Jessica is an incredible friend, dedicated mother, loving wife AND a die-hard Avs fan who has shown immense strength in the face of adversity. While suffering from Wegener’s Granulomatosis (a rare autoimmune disease that affects her lungs) Jessica contracted COVID-19, causing severe illness that kept her hospitalized for months. While Jessica is now on the road to recovery, the family has suffered financially due to extensive medical bills and being unable to work while hospitalized. Jessica still relies on oxygen full time, which limits her mobility – so her ability to get a portable oxygen concentrator would allow her to break free from the burden of hauling around oxygen tanks. With this essential device, she would regain her independence and enjoy the activities she loves, including watching her son Thomas play in his first hockey game for the Hyland Hills Jaguars rec team as well as cheering on her beloved Colorado Avalanche!

Grateful for the second chance at life she has been given, Jessica volunteers in the hockey community and does so with a positive attitude and smile on her face! Now we have a chance to make a huge difference in Jessica’s life…every donation counts, no matter how small, and will make a tremendous impact as Jessica embraces a brighter, more active future.

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Your donation will help Jessica Dempster, who DAWG Nation has selected as a grant recipient from its charitable class. Your contribution is made with the understanding that DAWG Nation has complete control and administration over the use of all donated funds in pursuit of its charitable purposes and in support of its charitable class.

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