Jerry and his BIG Heart


Over the last ten years I have received close to fifty signed Avalanche jerseys, but believe it or not, every single one has ended up in an auction to help others……until now!

On Tuesday afternoon, Sergeant Jerry DeVaul paid a visit to Dawg Nation headquarters to thank me for the support I have provided to the disabled community, specifically the sled hockey community. As a token of his gratitude, Jerry presented me with one of his game worn Colorado Avalanche Warrior jerseys. One that will not end up our next auction, but rather one that I will proudly wear to Thursday’s parade.

Not only a bad ass sweater, this one stands for much more than hockey. To me this represents courage, dedication, resilience, strength, honor and valor.

Jerry, thank you for your service and sacrifice, the world is better place because of brave men and women like yourself. And thank you for the kind gesture, I’ll wear my new #26 it proudly!

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