Giving Tuesday Keeps Giving


DAWG Nation receives over $34,000!

Generous donations continue to flow in to DAWG Nation

The generosity of the community of supporters surrounding DAWG Nation exceeded expectations yet again! Over one hundred and thirty donors responded to the call both on #GivingTuesdayNow held on May 5th and beyond. We finished the day so grateful for all the donors, notes and efforts of our video guests that displayed the breadth and depth of our organization. We were humbled by the stories our supporters told on video of why they support DAWG Nation. We were humbled to see so many of our former recipients give back to DAWG Nation. Our donations that evening exceeded over $15,000. We were estatic…

Two weeks Later

We have been blown away … our new #GivingTuesdayNow amount $34,281. We continued to receive donations and encouraging notes these last two weeks. Thank you… whether your donation was $10 or $10,000, we are so humbled to be trusted with your donation. To those of youthat tapped your companies for a matching donation, brilliant! Thank you! To our anonomus matching donor and Lallier Contruction, your matching that day and beyond helped us rally and exceed expectations. Your donations are already at work as we are planning for our next check presention and package of support to a recipient in need! These donations are well timed as four recipient requests came in following this day of giving.

DAWG Nation exceeds $34,000 on Giving Tuesday
2025 © DAWG Nation


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