Giving Back to Mark Miquelon


Help to recover from a disaster.

Mark Miquelon lives near Colorado Springs, and plays adult hockey in that area. The game is a family affair for the Miquelons- his wife and kids also strap on the skates in various programs.

Last summer, Mark lost his home in the devastating Black Forest Fire. Rebuilding will be a very expensive process, and insurance won’t come close to covering his costs. We heard about his situation, and decided to give some aid as part of our Tee It Up For DAWG Nation golf tournament in September.

With the help of several members of the Denver Cutthroats, we held a putting contest during the tourney, and raised around $1500. The Miquelons were very grateful to receive this amount, but were overwhelmed later when DAWG Nation surprised them with another grant that raised the total to $10,000.

We hope this money takes some of the load off of Mark and his family, as they rebuild their home and move forward with their lives.

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