Giving Back to Dustin McGuinness


Support after a severe brain injury.

In February of 2009, when he was 15 years old, Dustin McGuinness suffered a severe brain injury while playing a hockey tournament in Durango, Colorado. He spent several months in various stages of a coma, and as a result had to relearn almost every normal everyday human function.

Dustin is 19 now, and recently graduated from high school in Gunnison Colorado. He is back playing hockey in the intermediate adult league, but still struggles with regular activities.

The DAWG Nation Hockey Foundation would like to help Dustin in his quest to live a more independent life. We understand that a possible way for that to happen would be if he were to receive a specially trained service dog.

Finding the right animal can be a long process, and it’s not easy task, but DAWG Nation will do everything we can to help make it possible. So we pledge that throughout the entire process, we will support the McGuinness family.

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