Giving Back to Dave Repsher – a Hero


dave repsher check

Help with expenses from a tragic event.

Dave was a hero long before the events of July 2015, when the Flight For Life Helicopter on which he worked as a nurse went down and crashed in Summit County. While trying to rescue the pilot the copter exploded and left Dave in critical condition, with 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body. Due to the extensiveness of his injuries he remains in a burn unit yet today, with a long road to recovery before him… still, he looks to the future with the heart and soul of a fighter/hockey player, with a great attitude and the grit and dedication to overcome.

In addition to his work with Flight For Life, he’s also a long time member of the Copper Mountain Ski Patrol, and an avid hockey fan and player, having played for years with the Summit County Adult League.

With the assists of DAWG Nation, Copper Mountain Resort, and the Summit County Community, he and his wife, Amanda, look forward to him being back on the ice one day.

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