My “Jannie” time is much more limited these days as my friend now resides in the the “land of 10,000 lakes”. So when he’s in the 303 we take full advantage! Today we did just that as we headed to Craig Hospital to meet with a very key member of the number 8 club! Ethan Glynn‘s life forever changed on September 2nd when a tackle in his first ever HS football game resulted in a broken neck. Like Jannie and I, Ethan also proudly wears #8, making today’s group pic quite the trifecta of GR8’s! Jan added to the special moment with signed pic and I shared that I’d be taking the family to the Avs/Isles game on Monday! Ethan has spent the last three months at the world renowned Craig Hospital and is heading back to MN for Christmas. At the same time we’re in midst of organizing a pond hockey fundraiser in Prior Lake, Minnesota to help support this remarkable young man and his wonderful family! Stay tuned and please consider joining us in February and witness first hand the awesome power of a community coming together! #BG8