Giving Back to the Dietz Family


You Will Never Walk Alone

Chris Dietz’s family, friends and teammates came together Saturday, April 10th, 2021 to honor their fallen friend and teammate. An amazing display of love and community in action! Luke Jones kicked off the evening with a moving rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone, followed by the National Athem.

Time to Win One for Dietz

Sometimes in the midst of grief, it always seems to be the joy and innocence of a child that brings us back to hope and life again! With Cappy’s help, Chris Dietz’s granddaughter was able to drop the puck in honor of her grandpa! Hard to find a cuter and more inspiring way to start a hockey game. After gathering their team together to honor the fallen teammate and friend, a soul stirring song, a check presentation, and the national anthem…it was time to win one for Dietz! Luckily the Landsharks did just that! The Landsharks pulled out the victory to honor their fallen teammate. Congrats!

Dropping the puck for Grandpa!

An Honor to Help

We were aiming to support the family financially and show them that they are loved and supported,and they will never walk alone. Based on Lisa’s words, I think we met our goal. “I cannot thank the Landsharks and DAWG Nation enough. What a wonderful group of people. Thank you for showing our family so much love and support! What an amazing night 💕” – Lisa Dietz

A Fatal Car Accident

Our dear friend and Landsharks teammate Chris Dietz was driving toward his home in Thornton after work on the evening of Wednesday, February 10th when a car ran a stop sign. The T-bone impact on Chris’ driver side door killed him instantly.

Chris was a Family Man

Chris was the epitome of a family man. When he would talk of guitars, music, church, or a variety of other topics, his conversations would always turn to the topic that was of the greatest importance to him – his family.

Over the last few years his daughter Kaitlyn, her husband Sean, and his grandchildren Devi and Daxton lived with he and his wife Lisa at their home in Thornton. His daughter Annie, who has been away at college since the fall of 2020, has decided to come back home to be with her family after the loss of her father. To have the majority of his immediate family together under one roof during these difficult times is the only way he would have wanted it.

Chris is survived by his wife Lisa of 18 years, daughters Annie and Kaitlyn, son Michael, grandchildren Devi and Daxton, his mother, siblings, aunts, uncles, and in-laws. They are all shattered at the loss of such a great man.   

Heart of Gold

Chris didn’t know a stranger. He immediately became friends with all who met him.

His heart was made of gold and he spread love and light everywhere he went. He was the kindest, most generous and supportive person you would have ever met. If anyone ever needed help, he would be the first to step up. He was always willing to help family, friends and strangers, no questions asked.

We wanted to return all the love and kindness he put into the world by taking care of his family during this very difficult time while they learn to navigate life without him. The community gathered around the Dietz family and Landsharks did just that.

Right now, his wife, kids, grandchildren, mother, siblings, and other family members are our number one priority. We want to support his family the best way we can, and you all helped us do that!

Thank you for helping us meet this tragedy with generosity, love and community.

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