On July 11th, Jen Johnson and her wife Sarah found out news no parent should hear about their two year old son Porter – that he has ALL leukemia. (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia) They will have to commute to Children’s Hospital in Aurora from Arvada three days a week for treatment for his chemo rounds, which consist of LP with spinal chemo in the morning and IV chemo in the afternoon. He is starting to adjust to the regular visits from doctors, nurses, etc… He will hold his little “bracelet” up every time they need to scan it to give him meds, he will give himself meds from syringes, and he isn’t nearly as upset every time someone aside from his moms walks into the room.
As of now, they are unsure if he needs a transplant, but this is also a possible future expense for them.
Funds will go toward his chemo, out of pocket deductibles, hospital costs, and to cover some of their monetary loss due to missed work, and they need your support.