If you have played any recreational hockey in the Denver Metro area for the past 10 years, you probably have crossed paths with Jeff Jiampetti (“Jammer”) on the ice at some point. Whether it was Tuesday night pick-up, pond tourneys, DAWG Nation events or him sandbagging in the “C” league with the boys at the Westminster Promenade, two things have been consistent. The first is he always manages to injure himself and the second is he is always the best teammate regardless of the level.
Jeff is also a single dad to two young girls. Recently, Jammer was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a tumor removed in early October. Based upon his case, the best course of treatment was through Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, where they removed his prostate. This, however, is just the start of a quite extensive and painful recovery process over the next few months. There have been many additional expenses related to the surgery so we are asking for donations to ease the burden of those out- of-pocket costs.
Jammer is the guy that gives his all and feels that it is not enough, now it is our time to give back.