Moreno Makes DAWG Bowl Debut


Written by Jared Miller:

Christian is a two-time liver transplant survivor who is taking his second… well third lease on life and using it to give back to others. He will be playing in this year’s DAWG Bowl on the Sky Dawgs, Cappy’s team, his first tournament appearance on the ice. Christian will also be making his debut as the youngest player in the Survivor Game. At just 20 years old, Christian has been through more than most people his age and is ready to get on the ice alongside his fellow Survivors.

This year’s DAWG Bowl allows me to share the stories and experiences I’ve had with my transplants with others who have experienced similar stories,” said Christian.

While he loves the sport of hockey, that isn’t the only reason why Christian is so happy to be a part of Dawg Nation. He loves being part of something that has an incredible way of bringing people together. One of the biggest reasons Christian values his experience is his family.

My family inspires me everyday to chase my dreams and hockey inspires me by teaching me valuable life lessons such as community and learning what it means to be a team,” Christian said. 

Christian loves the team mentality and bonds that are made through the sport. That is one reason that he is truly looking forward to the Dawg Bowl, but what really stands out to him is the theme. An organ transplant theme is something that Christian knows all too well, and certainly something that touches very close to his heart.

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