Celebrating Ethan


One of my favorite parts of being the Dawg Father is the opportunity to combine the talents of others produce amazing results. And that’s exactly what happened this weekend. I met the extremely talented George Canyon last spring and that fast friendship resulted in an amazing song that George wrote for Dawg Nation. Brad Stabio has been a Dawg from day one and is an incredibly talented writer, producer and videographer. For this piece, I personally saw a vision that combined the talents of both to produce something very special for the Glynn family.
The video was shared on Saturday night and as we were wrapping up the final cleanup yesterday I paused to say my goodbyes to Ethan and his family. I asked Ethan what the most memorable part of the event was, and he responded “the video”. I then asked #8 how it made him feel and this brave young man looked me in the eyes and said, “it filled my heart”. And to me, that made everything perfect.

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